Welcome to the School Inspection Service website

On this site you will find information about the School Inspection Service and our work. You will also be able to read all the reports from inspections of schools and colleges carried out by SIS. We hope you will find the reports informative and helpful.

There is a separate section for each group of schools that SIS inspects; a section for colleges,  nurseries and British schools overseas. Within the sections each school or college has a separate page, where you will find basic information and be able to view all the inspection reports that SIS has written about the school or college.

The Contact us page tells you how you can make contact with SIS and also how you can find the independent Complaints Adjudicator retained by SIS to investigate complaints. Please note however that the Complaints Adjudicator is not the first port of call for a complainant.

Some of the schools we inspect are truly outstanding in every respect. SIS has honoured their achievement by giving them a separate section of their own. Please click on the ‘outstanding schools’ button to see the reports of the schools our inspectors have found outstanding and read why they are so special. Many congratulations to their staff, trustees and pupils.

School reports

All schools
Cognita Schools
Early Years
FE Colleges
Focus Schools
Steiner Schools
Outstanding schools